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Branch Secretary

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Ministerial drivers from the Department of Premier and Cabinet in Hobart have successfully negotiated a new agreement. A meeting was held in October to discuss the offer put forward by the Premier’s Department and to finalise the Union’s position. We can report that the agreement has been voted on and at the time of going to print was awaiting signatures from the respective parties. 


Great achievement Koetsy
Peter “Koetsy” Koetsveld first started in the transport industry in 1971 aged 23 delivering bricks and tiles to building sites, unloading by hand.   In 1993 Peter started with a Mobil distributor Petrogas as a subcontractor delivering fuel. Peter finished with Petrogas in 2004 and then came to work for Dunning Petroleum as a tanker driver until October 2005, when Caltex South East purchased the business and has since remained in his current position as a tanker driver. Peter has recently clocked up 40 years of Union membership and is planning to retire at the end of April 2013. We wish Peter well for the future.


Peter with some of his Caltex colleagues, Branch Secretary Wayne Mader & Organiser Andrew Bishop
Ken becomes a milestone donor
Ken Griffin from Toll Tasmania at Web Dock has reached a milestone at the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. As you can see from the balloon, he has rolled up his sleeves and donated blood 75 times. Ken has been donating blood for the last 10 years, donating every 12 weeks. The Toll enterprise agreement entitles an employee to be absent from work, without loss of pay, for up to 2 hours 4 times per year, or 4 hours for a maximum of 2 days per year, for the purposes of donating blood.
Ken has been a member of the Union for over 36 years and is rank-and-file representative on the Branch Committee of Management. 
Ken should be commended on bleeding by example!! 


Why donate blood?

Blood is vital to life and for many people blood donors are their lifeline. Currently only 1in 30 people give blood, but 1in 3 people will need blood in their lifetime.

Modern processing techniques mean that a single blood donation, when separated into its components, can help at least 3 different patients and contribute to making up to 22 different products (including potentially life-saving immunisations for chicken pox, hepatitis B and tetanus).

Who does donated blood help?

It is sometimes thought that the majority of donated blood helps those involved in accidents and emergencies. However, most of the blood is used to treat people with cancer and other serious illnesses.

For more information on donating blood or to make an appointment:

Call 13 14 95
It's taken us a little longer to post union memberhsip cards this year, so thanks for your patience. We have subscribed to a great new discount service for members called Union Shopper. The booklets have arrived and we are in the process of sending out memberhsip cards. Union Shopper gives members access to a wide range of discounted goods and services. Go to Union Shopper to check it out.

We have previously mentioned stories of lost wallets being returned to their rightful owners in the TWU News. Again, we have had success in reuniting wallets and owners. Since the last TWU News the membership department have received 3 calls from people finding wallets containing a TWU membership card firmly tucked away in one of its compartments. This is just a reminder to keep your card in your wallet just never know!


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