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The Coalition has cut $57 billion from local hospitals funding since they were elected in 2013,but non-transparent funding data makes it difficult for voters to understand what these cuts will mean for them. The team at GetUp and expert economists have projected the impact of these cuts on every hospital service in Australia.

Use the interactive map  to search for your nearest hospital service and see the projected impact of government funding cuts.Search for your suburb or town in the top right-hand corner, then look for the orange dot to find your nearest hospital.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has plans to privatise Medicare should the Coalition win the forthcoming Federal Election.

It is vital everything possible is done to stop this from happening, because middle and working class Australians will suffer the consequences if we don’t.

Bob Hawke and Labor created Medicare.

And if Bob Hawke is concerned about the future of Medicare, then so are we.

 Support Safe Rates for Transport Worker

Sunday 19th June 2016

9.00am – 12.00noon

Murphy Reserve

Corner Williamstown Road,  and Graham Street, Port Melbourne

BYO: Truck, Bus, Classic Car or Motorcycle to be part of the convoy

Map of Convoy Below:


post voting

Australians can start voting in the federal election after pre-poll voting centres opened their doors this week.

Voters can visit one of these centres, or apply to cast a postal vote. If recent federal election trends continue, over four million people may have their say before the actual 2 July election.

This year is the first full federal election where voters wanting to pre-poll will be asked whether they are entitled to do so.

Many TWU (Vic/Tas Branch) members take a well-earned holiday from work when their kids are on school holidays.

School holidays between terms 2 and 3 this year fall between Saturday, 25 June and Sunday, 10 July.

So if you are going to get away – do not forget to vote early. In an election this close YOU SHOULD MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT.

Visit the
Australian Electoral Commission website for further information on how to ensure you have a say on election day.

Voters are eligible to vote early if they:

·         are outside the electorate where you are enrolled to vote

·         are more than 8km from a polling place

·         are travelling

·         are unable to leave their workplace to vote

·         are seriously ill, infirm or due to give birth shortly (or caring for someone who is)

·         are a patient in hospital and can't vote at the hospital

·         have religious beliefs that prevent them from attending a polling place

·         are in prison serving a sentence of less than three years or otherwise detained

·         are a silent elector

·         have a reasonable fear for their safety.


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